Kode Jalur | Keterangan Kode |
AC | Alternating cururrent |
ACDRV | AC adapter to system-switch driver output |
ACEDET | Adaptor current detector |
ACGOOD | Valid adapter active-low detect logic open-drain output |
ACIN | Adaptor Current sensor Input |
ACN | Adapter current sense resistor |
ACOP | Input over-power protection |
ACOV | Input overvoltage protection |
ACP | Adapter current sense resistor, positive input |
ADP+ | Adapter positifsuplay |
ADP_ID | Adapter identity |
AGND | Analog ground |
ALWP | Always on power |
B+ | Ac or bat power rail for power circuit |
BATT | Battery |
BAT+ | Bat power rail for power circuit |
BAT_DRV | Bat fet gate driver |
BAT_V | Battery voltage |
BOM | Bill of material management |
BT | Button |
BT_EN | Bloototh enable |
BUZER | Connected |
BYP | Baypass |
CHGEN | Charge enable active-low logic input |
CIN | Input capacitor |
CLK_EN | Clkock enable |
CN | Conector |
CRT | Cathode ray tube |
CSIN | Current Sensor input Negatif |
CSIP | Current Sensor input Positif |
DC | Direct current |
DM | Dim/dim socket/soket memory/soketddr |
DOCK | Docking socket |
EC | Embedded controler |
EC_ON | Embededcontroler enable |
EMI | Elektromagnetik interference(gangguanelektromagnetik) |
EN | Enable |
F | Fuse |
FSEL | Frequency select input |
GATE | Trigger gate |
GND | Ground |
GP | Ground pin |
GPI | General power input |
GPIO | General power input output |
HDMI | High-definition multimedia interface |
ID | Continuous drain current |
IDM | Pulsed drain current |
IIN | Operating supply current |
IIN(SHDN) | Shutdown supply current |
IIN(STBY) | Standby supply current |
IS | Continuous source current (diode conduction) |
IVIN | Battery Supply Current at VIN pin |
JP | Jumper point |
KBC | Keyboard controler |
LCDV | Lcd power |
LDO | Linear driver output |
LGATE | Lower-side MOSFET gate signal |
LPC | Low pin count |
LVDS | Low-voltage differential signaling(SYSTEM PENSIGNALAN) |
MBAT | Main battery |
NB | North bridge |
ODD | Output disc drive |
PCI | Peripheral component interconnect |
PGOOD | Power good open-drain output |
PIR | Product improved record |
PSI# | Current indicator input |
PVCC | IC power positive supply |
RSMRST | Resume reset |
RTC | Real time clock |
SB | South bridge |
SHDN | Shutdown |
SYS_SDN | System shutdown |
SPI | Serial peripheral interface |
TD | Death time |
THRM | Thermal sensor |
TMDS | Transition minimized differential signaling(transmisi data teknology) |
TP | Tes point |
TPAD | Thermal pad |
UVLO | Input undervoltage lock out |
V | Rail(power) |
V+ | Positive voltage |
VADJ | Output regulation voltage |
VALW | Always on power |
VALWP | Valw pad |
VBAT | Battery power |
VCCP | Power chip(ich,graphic chips) |
VCORE | Power procesor |
VDD | Control power supply |
VDDR | Power ddr (vdram/vram/vmem) |
VDS | Voltage drain source |
VFB | Feedback inputs Power |
VGS | Voltage gate sources |
VIN | Input voltage range |
VL | Power lock |
VL | Voltage across the load/Teganganbeban resistor |
VL | Voltage linear |
VLDOIN | Power supply of the VTT and VTTREF output stage (to powermos). |
VOT | Volt_out |
VRAM | Power memori |
VREF | Power references/schema reference/permintaan skema |
VS | Suitch power |
VS+ | Support voltage positif |
VSB | Power switch button |
VSS | Signal ground. |
VSW | Power swict |
VTT | Memory termination voltage |
VTERM | Memory termination voltage |
VUSB | Power usb |
VGA | Power vga (vgpx/vgpu/vcvod) |
VGFX | Power graphic chip |
VREF | Voltage references |